
TOP > Midlife Transformation: Redefining Life, Love, Health & Success【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Midlife Transformation: Redefining Life, Love, Health & Success【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Midlife Transformation: Redefining Life, Love, Health & SuccessWhen your soul whispers, It's time to become more, will you be ready to listen? From the publisher behind the international best-selling Inspiration for a Woman's Soul trilogy comes a brand new collection of transformative stories that will stir your soul and open your eyes to the power of divinely-inspired action. Midlife Transformation: Redefining Life, Love, Health & Success reveals the miracles that happen when a woman makes an empowered choice to release the weight of her past, step out of the shadows, and embrace a life that fully honors her sacred truth. On every page, you'll discover the intimate stories of women who found the courage to follow the whispers of their hearts, move through the darkness of fear and doubt, and embrace their purpose, passion, and calling. At some point, each of these inspiring women woke up to the profound realization that her goals, actions, and circumstances were no longer in alignment with who she was. Through the fires of transformation and her personal dark night of the soul, each of these courageous souls emerged to create a life by design - a life where her truth is her beacon, her soul is her guide, and her work is her gift to the world. Contributing authors for Midlife Transformation include: Dr. Debra L. Reble; Ann Sanfelippo, Felicia D'Haiti, Jami Hearn, Lara Jaye, Lizete Morais, Elaine Gibson, Lira Kay, Stacey Martino, Lisa Marie Rosati, Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC, Sheila Callaham, Mal Duane, Laura Clark, Felicia Baucom, Dr. Colleen Georges, Dr. Angela Joyner, Monica Dubay, Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum, PhD; Cindy Hively; Kailean Welsh, MS, LPC, Karen Spaiches, Kimberly Tobin, Shawn Shaw, Katrina Burton, Michelle Lemoi, Beth Tunis, MA, LMFT, Lore Raymond, Janet G. Nestor The book also includes a foreword by Certified Master Integrative Life Coach Nancy Levin, bestselling Hay House author of Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth Advance Praise for Midlife Transformation: "Courage is not always easy, but it is critical to living a life filled with love. Listening, and following our inner wisdom and guidance, requires us to build that muscle of courage. This is a wonderful book, full of inspirational stories to awaken women to their own inner wisdom and courage to live a life full of love, joy, and abundance. Christy Whitman, New York Times best-selling author of The Art of Having It All. Transformative! It takes courage to step through your fears and trust the wisdom of your soul. The powerful stories shared in Midlife Transformation will remind you that when you harness your personal power, commit to living authentically, partner with the Divine, and bravely venture into the uncharted, magic happens! Colette Baron-Reid, Intuitive, spiritual teacher, psychic medium, author, and founder of Colette Baron-Reid's Oracle School "Wow! I couldn't put down Midlife Transformation! The stories these courageous women share are incredibly inspiring. If you need inspiration and support in changing your life and choosing your soul's journey, this book is for you." - Dr. Margaret Paul, co-creator of Inner Bonding, coauthor of Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You? and Healing Your Aloneness, and author of Inner Bonding and Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God? "An incredible guidebook to realizing that you are not alone. Midlife brings such rich and yet challenging choices front and center in our lives, and knowing that it is possible to transform and flourish during this time is beautifully captured in the intimate, soulful stories in Midlife Transformation. Brava to the courageous women who have shared their transformational stories! Marianne MacKenzie, founder of Radically Engaged Living, international best-selling author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Choosing HappinessDimensions: 22.86 x 15.24 x 1.19 centimetres (0.31 kg)あなたの魂が囁くとき、それはもっとなる時です、聞く準備ができていますか?国際的なベストセラーの女性の魂のためのインスピレーションの出版社から、トリビュートは、あなたの魂を揺るがし、神のインスピレーションを得た行動の力にあなたの目を開く変革的な物語のまったく新しいコレクションが登場します。







Midlife Transformationに貢献する著者には、Debra L. Reble博士、シェイラー・カラハム、マル・デュアン、ローラ・クラーク、フェリシア・バウコム、博士号取得者、博士号取得者、博士号取得者、博士号取得者、博士号取得者Colleen Georges博士、Angela Joyner博士、Monica Dubay博士、Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum博士論文、シンディ・ハイブリー; Kailean Welsh、MS、LPC、Karen Spaiches、Kimberly Tobin、Shawn Shaw、Katrina Burton、Michelle Lemoi、Beth Tunis、MA、LMFT、Lore Raymond、Janet G. Nestorこの書籍には、Certified Master Integrative Life Coachのナンシー・レビン、ベストセラーヘイ・ハウスの価値ある著者:あなたの価値をさらに高めて、中世の変革を前進する価値ある価値を高める:「勇気はいつも簡単ではありませんが、愛に満ちた人生を送ることが不可欠です。



Christy Whitman、New Yorkあなたの魂の知恵を信じて、あなたの魂の知恵を信頼してください。


真実に生きることを約束し、神とのパートナー、そして未知の勇敢なベンチャーへの魔法が起こります! Colette Baron-Reidの直感的で精神的な教師、心理的メディア、作者、創設者Colette Baron-ReidのOracle School "Wow!私はMidlife Transformationを断念できませんでした!あなたの人生を変え、あなたの魂の旅を選ぶことをサポートします。


- 博士マーガレットポール、インナーボンディングの共同創設者、共著者の私は私があなたに愛されることをあきらめなければならないのですか?あなたの恋人を癒し、内側のボンディングの著者と私は神に愛されるために私をあきらめなければならないのですか? "あなたが一人ではないことを理解するための素晴らしいガイドブックです。


中世の変容Bravaは、変容的な話を分かち合った勇敢な女性に!Brainは、女性の魂のためのインスピレーションの国際ベストセラー作家、Radically Engaged Livingの創始者、Marianne MacKenzie:Happinessの選択 寸法:22.86 x 15.24 x 1.19センチメートル(0.31 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。



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