
TOP > Finding Your God Given Sweet Spot【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Finding Your God Given Sweet Spot【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Finding Your God Given Sweet SpotSweet Spot NOUN informal . The area towards the center of a baseball bat, golf club, or tennis racket that makes most effective contact with the ball, thus creating consistently productive and nearly effortless results. . The perfect place in life that sits at the intersection of strong character, ideal quality, and true determination. Authors Tom and Pam Wolf believe the definition goes even deeper: . It is that place where who you are AND what you do are fully integrated, in-sync and amped-up by the power of your God-given purpose the place where everything you do works in perfect harmony without even trying! Living life in the Sweet Spot who wouldn t want to? If you are like most people - a whopping 97% of us you live life searching for your Sweet Spot. Your search has ended Finding your Sweet Spot is what this book is all about! Identity and Destiny - 7 Steps to a Purpose filled Life A powerful journey of self-discovery that allows you to gather all the pieces of a unique - one of a kind God-designed mosaic that is YOU. Once created, you will see the masterpiece that is your life - past, present, future. You will know who you are - whose you are - and what to do with the gifts you have been given. No more wondering. No more doubts. You will gain clarity - focus - and direction! You will know - with certainty how to... . say NO to the lesser - because your YES is so big . use what you discover as a sure filter for wise decisions . break through fear and uncertainly that is holding you back . embrace the YOU God created - AND learn to run with it . take your past - even the painful parts - and use it for God's purpose I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord - and they are good! (Jer 29:11) Don't wait! Today you can start living in your God given Sweet Spot and laser-focus your future on the destiny you want to create! Tom and Pam Wolf operate a thriving coaching and consulting business in Tampa Florida. They are called to help people find their "sweet spot" - in life and in business. Their passion is two-fold: to help people develop a deep abiding relationship with Jesus Christ and to be catalysts for them to live purpose driven, high impact, Kingdome building lives."Dimensions: 27.99 x 21.59 x 1.42 centimetres (0.67 kg)スウィートスポットノンインフォーマル。



作者TomとPam Wolfは定義がさらに深くなると信じています:。



あなたの検索は終了しましたあなたのスウィートスポットを見つけることは、この本のすべてです!アイデンティティと運命 - 目的を達成するための7つのステップ充実した自己発見の旅で、神様がデザインした独特のモザイクのすべてを集めることができます。





あなたは明快さを得るでしょう - 焦点と方向性!あなたは知っている - どのように確実に...。







(ヨブ29:11)待ってはいけない!今日、あなたはSweet Spotを与えられたあなたの神に住み始めることができます。

あなたの創造の運命にあなたの未来をレーザーフォーカスすることができます! TomとPam WolfはFloridaのTampaで繁栄している指導とコンサルティング事業を行っています。

彼らは人々が人生とビジネスの "スィートスポット"を見つけるのを助けるために呼び出されます。


寸法:27.99 x 21.59 x 1.42センチメートル(0.67 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。



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