The King and PrinceA Journey of Risk【電子書籍】[ Tom Morris ]


<p>The action is unexpected, and the philosophical ideas are deep. A vicious attack, a dubious new ambassador, shocking murders, and several assassins on the loose, a boat trip down the Nile, a terrible accident, a strange little book with secrets, and a major battle take their places in The King and Prince, Book Four in the adventure series Walid and the Mysteries of Phi.?<br /> ?<br /> The realities behind appearances, synchronicity, intuition, happiness, power and meaning, life and death, evil and redemption, and the ghostly souls of books are just a few of the philosophical ideas that arise in new ways in this book. The center of government in the kingdom of Egypt is a target for violent revolutionaries. And you could never imagine what results.?<br /> ?<br /> A short book, The Oasis Within, followed a group of men and one boy from a small village in western Egypt as they crossed the vast desert, headed for Cairo in the summer of 1934. That brief tale served as a prologue to an epic adventure story that will continue to reveal deep and surprising secrets about lives and our world. Book OneーThe Golden Palace, Book TwoーThe Stone of Giza, and Book ThreeーThe Viper and the Storm then brought us drama, mystery, humor, profound ideas, and a touch of true romance as the real action began. In The King and Prince, the ongoing story will take us to more unexpected places. Walid Shabeezar, the Prince of Egypt, along with his friends Mafulla, Kissa, Hasina, and several other classmates will face an ultimate challenge that’s as terrible as it is surprising in its unexpected twists and turns. And, along the way, much more will be revealed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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